FR1 (France) has migrated from Gravelines to Paris
FR1 (France) has migrated from Gravelines to Paris. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of FR1 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
FR3 (France) has migrated from Lille to Nice. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of FR3 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
FR3 (France) has migrated from Roubaix to Lille. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of FR3 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
DE3 (Dusseldorf, Germany), FR2 (Paris, France), NL2 (Amsterdam, Netherlands), US2 (New York, USA) have got new IPs. NO1 (Oslo, Norway) was replaced by FR3 (Roubaix, France). Update the configs please (if you use it) and sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We replaced JP1 (Japan, Tokyo) with FR2 (France, Paris) and now we have pair FR2-US1 (Paris - Los Angeles). The pair Japan-USA was not so popular because the route across the Pacific is slow and has long ping. We hope route across the Atlantic will be more in demand. Update the configs please.